Saturday, September 12, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009


If you had a chance to make one change to your world, what will it be?

If you had the opportunity to use your talent, wealth and resources to make a difference, what will you do?

Did you know bringing a smile to one's face creates a memory that last forever? It's as simple as smiling at someone, saying hi and wishing them a good day.

Yeah, it's that simple and who would've thought, right?

You'll be surprise what those few words will do and how far they will go. Remember if you make the people around you happy it will return to you in ten folds and soon you'll find yourself happy all the time.

You see most of us think riches and wealth make a person happy but it's the other way around.

I think our ultimate goal in life should be seeking happiness and not riches and wealth because happiness can not be bought.

Happiness to me is more than riches and wealth because it is immeasurable.

However, it can be felt emotionally, physically and spiritually. That my friends is living your life to the fullest.

But that's just me so what do you think?


Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Album Decontee

Hello Hello Hello

Finally the album is done and thanks very much for lending me your ears.
I hope my music brings joy and pleasantries to your mind, body and soul.
I figure if I can use my gift to generate positive energy and bring a crack to your face in the form of a smile, I'm heading in the right direction.
As always your comments and feedback are very welcome. You can post them anywhere you so pleased- here, facebook, myspace, twitter, etc etc
I will greatly appreciate if you can spread the word and don't forget to get a copy of the album.
Thanks again for all your support and let's make the world a better place.
Talk to you later......

Best Regards

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Simply put "Feeling" is how I feel. 

"Liberia"- Awareness and hope... What's your intake?

"Fantasy"- A dream... Can you relate? Express yourself.

Now what do you think about these songs and music in general?


The childhood life in Liberia as I know now is drastically different. What most children consider normal there will be consider child abuse here and the world over. 

It's a sad story but one I am trying to gather more information in order to share with you all so we can learn and know about it. With that knowledge we can come together and provide a hand- love, hope and support.

Therefore, do you have any information to share, ideas, and or organizations supporting such cause not just Liberia but Africa? How can I be a part of and lend my service to such cause?

I want my music to be a means to an end. An end that will bring positivity and inspiration in people's lives. I am very open to collaborations and partnerships of such.

I am also very open to any ideas and suggestions. So how can we make this happen? I'm yours:)


When you hear the word- Africa, what is the first thing that come to your mind and how did you come up with your perception? 

You see people ask me all the time about Liberia and now I am curious about your preconception. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Why are things the way they are? Why do things happen the way they do? Why am I who I am today? Why am I trying to be a particular kind of person tomorrow? Why do I have the talent and gifts I have? Why am I at this place at this time?

All these why-s!!!

I sincerely believe everything happens for a reason. I mean EVERYTHING. We may not know why at the time—and probably will not know later—but some way, somehow everything affects us, today or tomorrow.

Everyone and everything that touch our lives make us who we are today and will be tomorrow. In the same way, our unconscious mental notes of words, actions, and experiences mold us into what we are and are destined to become. So be aware of your surroundings and keep an open mind, a warm heart, and a graceful spirit because life is short. Learn from the bad, appreciate the good, and be thankful for what you have because it will be most regrettable when it's all gone.

One reason I love music so much is that it allows me to gather my thoughts and express them in a way that comes naturally to me. I sing of reality and truth as I see them. My desire is to bring warmth, joy, a smile, hope, and good thoughts to everyone who needs them at the time. And maybe also make you want to dance!

How about you? What are your thoughts? Not just about music but about your passion and your soul. Tell me.

