Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Why are things the way they are? Why do things happen the way they do? Why am I who I am today? Why am I trying to be a particular kind of person tomorrow? Why do I have the talent and gifts I have? Why am I at this place at this time?

All these why-s!!!

I sincerely believe everything happens for a reason. I mean EVERYTHING. We may not know why at the time—and probably will not know later—but some way, somehow everything affects us, today or tomorrow.

Everyone and everything that touch our lives make us who we are today and will be tomorrow. In the same way, our unconscious mental notes of words, actions, and experiences mold us into what we are and are destined to become. So be aware of your surroundings and keep an open mind, a warm heart, and a graceful spirit because life is short. Learn from the bad, appreciate the good, and be thankful for what you have because it will be most regrettable when it's all gone.

One reason I love music so much is that it allows me to gather my thoughts and express them in a way that comes naturally to me. I sing of reality and truth as I see them. My desire is to bring warmth, joy, a smile, hope, and good thoughts to everyone who needs them at the time. And maybe also make you want to dance!

How about you? What are your thoughts? Not just about music but about your passion and your soul. Tell me.




erin said...
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erin said...

Everything does happen for a reason. The world gives us signs. It tells us what we need to do, and points us in the right direction... we just have to be wise and present enough to listen, make a choice, and trust that we will not be misguided.
Somehow I have been thrown into a whirlwind. Giving up everything I know... my home, my belongings, and heading off to travel the world... into the unknown. The adventure that awaits will be extraordinary. But at times I think to myself.. "what am i doing?!"
Then I sit back, and remember that everything has happened so that this moment could fall into place. We are all given choices. It's what we do with them that matters. I have been given a chance to set myself free. And I'm going to take it.

dannya. said...

I believe that everything happen to us for a reason. Sometimes, we may not know and understand why, but eventually it makes us better to face the present and the future. The Bible says "every thing happen to us for our good, especially to them that love the Lord". God uses good and bad things that happen to us for our good and eventually for His glory in bring the lost to salvation. God is a wise God. He even uses our talents and gift to impart the world to become a better for all of us to live in peace.
God bless you and may your dreams and desires come to pass in 2009.

Unknown said...
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2MUCHRR said...

*let me try to post this correctly*

I believe that in life there are choices, one after another (like a choose your own ending book) each step takes you to another choice and another. Our destiny may be predetermined but this is based on the choices we make. Opportunity presents itself and is never lost, the other man just picks up what you leave behind. Prayer without faith is empty as is faith without action.
Hind sight is always nice I reflect the good the bad and the ugly i've encountered in life and I honestly have no regrets.(might not have always been proud of my choices but thankful I learned from them) I love who I have become and had I not endured the pain and sorrow as well as the joy and happiness I wouldn't be who I am today.
One last quote and I'll quit rambling...
" success isn't measured by the lack of failures but rather how many times you rise from failure"

Much Love and GodBless
